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This is the UK website for Peter and Maureen Scargill. We live in the Northeast of England and also Andalucia in Spain.

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Archive for the ‘#fsbconf’ Category

The FSB’s Annual Conference #fsbconf at the ICC


MillibandWe have just had more than our fair share of celebrities at our Annual Conference which this year is being held in the ICC in Birmingham. I arrived on Tuesday and the festivities began yesterday.

This morning started off with George Osborne doing a really good speech about his views on business and what he feels he is doing to help, then we had Nick Clegg and finally Ed Milliband.

This afternoon there’s Geoff Birch who I was lucky enough to spend quite some time chatting to this morning about Spanish – he’s done a far better job of grasping the language than I have. Very interesting chap.

CleggAnyway, a picture is worth 1000 words and I probably have 1000 pictures – here are just a few.

Met lots of people as this year, David Miles and I volunteered to help out and man the Media Bar and Internet Cafe so everyone heads our way at one point or another. 1000 people in here so it’s quite busy.


