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Archive for October, 2010

A Spanish Market

The market in Galera, SpainI’ve just realised I’ve not put anything in here since clearing off to Spain. Well, for those of you looking in from the UK I can tell you the weather in Spain’s a lot nicer than it is here. Having said that this morning it is quite cold, but the sun’s starting to appear so I’m sure that’ll not last for long. Head on over to the Spanish website to see what’s happening there. Lots of new stuff – we’ve had a new wall fitted, today we had new post lights… it’s all detailed on the site.

Meanwhile a glimpse of the weekly market in Galera. I just happened to be passing on the way to the post office and noticed how summery everything looked. This morning there’s a thick mist over the valley – but of course that’ll last until the sun gets to it. A good start to the day, Galerafound my long lost Spanish mobile frame with the PIN number on it… I had visions of having to change numbers again!

So a good start, now I just need to find somewhere that’s open selling milk – I’m in desperate need of a cup of coffee.. meanwhile we’ve been putting some finishing touches to the Hollyberry Cottage website. Anyone fancying a romantic break in Northumberland might want to head over to the Hollyberry Cottage site.

A Spanish Market

The market in Galera, SpainI’ve just realised I’ve not put anything in here for a while. I’m currently in Spain enjoying a short, email-free break from daily life.  for those of you looking in from the UK I can tell you the weather in Spain’s a lot nicer than it is in the UK right now. Having said that this morning it is quite cold, but the sun’s starting to appear so I’m sure that’ll not last for long. Head on over to the Spanish website to see what’s happening there.

Meanwhile a glimpse of the weekly market in Galera, Andalucía. I just happened to be passing on the way to the post office and noticed how summery everything looked. This morning there’s a thick mist over the valley – but of course that’ll last until the sun gets to it. A good start to the day, found my long lost Spanish mobile SIM frame with the PIN number on it… I had visions of having to change numbers, not for the first time! So a good start, now I just need to find somewhere that’s open selling milk – I’m in desperate need of a cup of coffee..

Meanwhile the Hollyberry Cottage website is all up and running, anyone fancying a romantic break in the Northeast of England might want to take a look at the site

Free Solar Panels Anyone?

Around a month ago, I noticed a pamphlet dropped through the door. “Save More Than Money” said the recycled-cardboard ad. “Free electricity from Free Solar Panels” said the tickertape plastered across the front.

The basic idea is you get free installation and supply of a bunch of photoelectric solar panels for your roof – you get the electricity, the company (Norton Energy Solutions) get the kickbacks from the government for electricity returned to the grid – and presumably all sorts of other benefits.

There was a meeting at Wark town hall on Thursday 30th September and apparently this went very well with several people signing up there and then.  I’ve since spoken to the suppliers who say they can also handle flat roofs! Of course, they’ll be generating the most electricity when you are LEAST likely to use it –ie mid-day on  sunny day… and so most of this will presumably end up going back into the grid hence providing the company with subsidised payback – Perhaps I should be less cynical – but I’ve played with lots of different kinds of photovoltaic cells and the difference between direct 90 degree sunlight and anything else… is outstanding..

How well  the PUNTER benefits out of all of this has yet to be seen however they’ve promised to contact me tomorrow with a view to arranging something when I get back from holiday.

A Real Break?

For the first time in what I reckon must be 14 years I’ve turned off work email so I can have a proper break! I say 14 years because surely there was no proper Windows email much before Windows 98?

Hard to imagine that the SMTP protocol we use today didn’t appear until around 1982. I recall running a “bulletin board” to send other people’s emails back and forth using something called a “midnight line” which was basically BT ripping everyone off. Only one person at a time could use the BBS as they had to dial into my system using a modem then every night someone would ring into my BBS, collect up and deposit mail for everyone and they would then use this BT concession to send mail down to London and even overseas.

I’m thinking however I probably didn’t start using email seriously for business until the mid-90s.  I do still have somewhere an Outlook file for 1999 on CD. It suddenly occurred to me that I’ve never stopped reading this stuff since then!

It’s going to feel strange! I’m on the plane early this afternoon to Spain to catch the very last of the sun over the there. The weather looks like clear blue skies for at least a week, but temperatures are unlikely to get over 20C, a far cry from the summer when we hit peaks of 40C… but nice painting weather!