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This is the UK website for Peter and Maureen Scargill. We live in the Northeast of England and also Andalucia in Spain.

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Archive for May, 2015

Another trip to Bedrock

GaleraIf you’re looking in here for updates, head off to the Bedrock site for the moment as we’re enjoying a spot of sunshine. 8am here in Galera and the sun is out already – promises to be a great day for a spot of swimming.

Meanwhile I’ve been setting up something new on my gear at home – a piece of freeware called OwnCloud… you might not have heard of it but you’ve almost certainly heard of Dropbox – well, this is almost the same but instead of filling up an account, the data is stored at home, in my case on a permanently on “raid” storage system (that means there are two identical disks mirroring each other to ensure that my all important data is never lost). So OwnCloud sits on my PC, phone and tablet and for example (just like Dropbox) takes an automatic copy of any photos I take on the phone and stores them away for almost immediate access on the various systems I’m using – all without manual intervention. If you’re reading this and you are technically inclined you might want to check that product out.