I’m feeling a little guilty as I’ve not been updating this blog since we headed off to Spain. All’s well, we have folk looking after our house in the UK though we understand that the weather up North has been atrocious and I do miss my kitten who’s probably forgotten all about me now – meanwhile in Andalucía we had a couple of days of heavy rain… in a month – otherwise it’s been 35 degrees perhaps every afternoon – not a lot of fun unless you can escape and of course that’s exactly what we can do… our cave rarely gets over 25C. I’m really getting into this idea of working mornings and evenings – and doing SOD ALL in between – it really does have it’s merits.
Maureen and I have been trying our best to have a holiday but between her backlog of schoolwork and my constant emails which apparently only I can resolve (nice ego trip but not too good for holidaying).. it’s been a relaxing but not entirely isolated break!
It’s amazing how we as human beings just simply cannot grasp the big picture – it’s as if we’re programmed like machines to only think within our comfort zones. Here I am worrying about work – and the issues others are having as if it is my ultimate role in life to solve problems for others… Maureen is determined to get her work done – even though some of that work means missing out on sunshine – abundant over here but so scarce back in the UK. At 56 the chances are that we’ll only be here for 10-20 years – and that’s not a long time after which everything is utterly and completely irrelevant FOREVER…. such a short time to take in the wonders of the world we’ve yet to discover and yet here we are writing blogs, doing schoolwork, solving other people’s problems… we HAVE been taking the time to watch on the EDEN channel, later at night the EXCELLENT heritage of nature programs that Attenborough has left us…. they’ve been having an Attenborough week and some of the stuff on there is amazing. Personally I’d scrap ALL religious education worldwide and replace it with Attenborough lessons – we’d all be a LOT better off.
Still, I suppose it beats getting bored. In the next couple of days we’ve a trip WAY up in the mountains where despite the tremendous heat here in Spain, there is STILL snow at the top… I’ll have my camera and if you look in I’ll do my best to document!
Hot sun, cool water, chocolate Ice-Cream and stunning imagery shared with your partner – THAT’S what it’s all about…